Social Media

Social Media Safety

At the beginning of any divorce or custody matter, I talk to my clients about appropriate use of social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).  While I don’t necessarily recommend completely shutting down all of your social media pages, I DO recommend that you withhold from writing any posts on your own page and writing comments on other people’s pages. Reason being, I have seen social media used against parties far too often in the emotional and contentious divorce and custody world.  Whether your post was a joke, lighthearted, or a mistake, it might be used against you.

While the article below does not involve individuals going through a divorce or custody dispute, it’s an interesting read about the consequences of posting negative information on Facebook about another individual.

Woman Puts Vulgar Posts About Ex-Friend on Facebook

It’s understandable that we are all excited to utilize Facebook’s newest emojis (Facebook’s New Emojis), but be extremely cautious about your activity on social media pages, especially when you are involved in a pending divorce or custody matter

Pospiech Family Law & Mediation, PLLC is focused on finding resolutions that help your family move forward.  Attorney Jessica L. Pospiech provides a calming influence and gives her clients the care and attention that is so necessary for families facing difficult and emotional circumstances.  Ms. Pospiech ensures that she is readily available for her clients’ questions and concerns.  Please do not hesitate to reach out.  

              P: (734) 531-8554
